Not all earwax is the same. Your earwax type can vary based on genetics, age, and environment. Understanding the differences can help you maintain optimal ear hygiene.
Soft, Yellow Ear Wax
This is fresh, normal earwax that helps trap dirt and prevent infection. It is most commonly found in individuals with healthy earwax production.
Firm, Brown Ear Wax
Aged earwax that has been in the ear canal for a more extended period. It may become darker and harder, making natural removal more difficult.
Flaky, Pale Ear Wax
This type is often seen in individuals with dry skin. It crumbles easily and may indicate a lack of moisture in the ear canal.
Smelly Ear Wax
If your earwax has a strong odour, it may indicate an ear infection or bacterial buildup. Seeking medical advice is recommended.
Wet or Dry Ear Wax
Your genetics determine whether your earwax is wet or dry. Wet wax is more common in African and European populations, while dry wax is more common in East Asian populations.
Runny or Liquid Ear Wax
Excessively runny earwax could indicate irritation or infection in the ear canal and should be examined by a healthcare professional.
Blood-Tinged Ear Wax
Blood in your earwax may result from minor scratches, excessive cleaning, or a more serious underlying condition requiring medical attention.